BRICKS (2022)


What is the foundation? What can put everything in the balance? How do I move through uncertainty? A place within Terrapolis festival incites, excites, and challenges with these questions a site-specific creation that dares to seek physical and sonic answers. A ritual under the banner of evanescence to which all are invited, but in which one can participate one at a time.


Hi. Are you a feminist?
Good, otherwise I wouldn't have let you in.
What's your name?
What you say will be recorded. But it won't be used for commercial purposes.
Do you agree?
Can you show us your mobile phone?
Do you like bananas?
How hot are you from 1 to 10?
How hungry are you from 1 to 10?
How scared do you get on a scale of 1 to 10 if I tell you that this tent is uninhabitable and might collapse on itself?
How scared do you get on a scale of 1 to 10 if I tell you that the building next door
is not safe and might collapse on itself?
How scared do you get on a scale of 1 to 10 if I tell you that the earth is becoming uninhabitable and might collapse on itself? How scared do you get on a scale of 1 to 10 if I tell you that there are holes in landfills where if you fall in, you will never come up again because you will sink into a hole filled with toxic liquids?
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let it be